As part of the First Nations Book Fair, Ahkwayaonhkeh has teamed up with Kwahiatonhk! to offer a writing workshop. Led by author Jean Sioui, this workshop will take place in the inspiring Martin Akwiranoron Loft exhibition. Hurry, it’s free and places are limited!

A native of Wendake, Jean Sioui is the most prolific of French-speaking Aboriginal poets. In 1997, he published his first book of poetry, Le pas de l’Indien, with Loup de Gouttière, where he later directed the Native youth collection Les loups rouges. For a number of years, he taught a new generation of Aboriginal writers as part of the Canada Council for the Arts’ Aboriginal Emerging Writers Residency Program. In 2010, he co-founded Éditions Hannenorak with his son, Daniel Sioui. He has published a dozen works of poetry and children’s literature. His collection, Des morceaux de temps, was published by Mémoire d’encrier in 2024.

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